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Buying a House in Scotland

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The Scottish House Buying Process

When purchasing a home in Scotland it is worth noting that there are some major differences to that of the English system.

In England

The house buying process may be described in the following way:

Find a house that you want to buy and make an offer through the estate agent who has the house on the market (the offer is usually at the asking price or in the region of the asking price).

If the offer is accepted you would then appoint a solicitor for the next stages of the process.

In Scotland

Normally a property is advertised as 'offers over' this means that the seller is looking to sell at an amount that is 'over' the stated price. Sometimes,but rarely, a property will be advertised at a 'fixed' price. This means that this is the price the seller is looking for. The seller will provide you with a Home Report which gives you lots of infrmation about the property and will also give you a 'Valuation' of the amount that the property is worth.

Where a property is advertised as "offers over' the buyer needs to decide how much he is prepared to pay over the asking price and then an offer is made through the buyers solicitor to either the estate agent acting for the seller or the sellers solicitor. This offer can be made 'subject to mortgage'

The sellers solicitor then accepts the buyers offer subject to certain qualifications....once those qualifications have been satisfied a legally binding agreement is entered into by both sides and withdrawal can result in costs being claimed by the other party for losses and/or expenses.

Where two or more parties show an interest in a property then the seller can set a 'closing date' this then results in the interested parties submitting their best offer. Bids are opened at a specific date and time and the seller selects the bid that he considers to be the best (not necessarily the highest).

Once an offer has been made and formally accepted then a moving date is agreed between parties to the satisfaction of both.

In conclusion, the house buying process in Scotland tends to move more smoothly than in England because of the ordered way in which transactions are concluded. At Mortgage Compare Limited we have consultants positioned such that they are able to cover the whole of the Scottish market place.

Our consultants are on hand to help you. Call 01604 439930 to find the most suitable mortgage deal for you from our unique sourcing system that has access to over 6000 mortgages. We will not only be with you at the beginning of your house buying process, we can also help you in your search for a solicitor and provide support and expertise during every step of your mortgage and house search.

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The guidance and/or advice contained within the website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at customers in the UK.

Mortgage Compare Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other loans secured on it.

See our website for our terms and conditions.

Not all Buy to Let Mortgages are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Adverse Credit - The overall rate for comparison is 9.2% APR. The actual rate available will depend upon your circumstances. Ask for a Mortgage Illustration

Right to Buy Mortgages - The overall rate for comparison is 8.9% APR. The actual rate available will depend upon your circumstances. Ask for a Mortgage Illustration


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